St Paul's Church,
St Paul's Square, Birmingham UK
Federation of Birmingham Ex-Service
St George's Day Service and Parade
Sunday 27th April 2014
Service led by; Rev.Mary Gilbert
in the presence of the Lord Mayor of Birmingham,
Councillor Mike Leddy
& Mrs Pauline Leddy, Lady Mayoress
Rev. Canon; David Bennet, Padre to FBESA

Sunday 21st April 2013
Service led by Revd Mary Gilbert
in the presence of the deputy Lord Mayor of Birmingham
Councillor Anita Ward and Consort Mike Brown
Rev Canon David Bennett, Padre to the FBESA

St Georges Day Service 2012

In the Presence of the
Deputy Lord Mayor of Birmingham Councillor Len Gregory,
and the Deputy Lady Mayoress

The Main Standards -
Corporal Bidder
Corporal Crockett
Sea Cadet Fields
Petty Officer Handley

"We will remember them"